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SebastianAD's Achievements

  1. Has anyone have idea if this is posible? This is my SCSS animation: Thanks.
  2. Hi @Rodrigo everything clear. Things works pretty well. Thanks all of you.
  3. Problem solve! It was a big deal with CDN's imports. Thanks all of you. Finally, I have a doubt about animations' ptah URL... Is there any restriction about format or host? and how can I get an export URL?
  4. @Rodrigo @GSAP Helper your comments where pretty useful. Thanks a lot. First I checked for Lottie installs, before start w code breaks, and found that I had issues with Lottie library. Then, review the Stackblitz example and found that I made wrong the Lottie imports into script. So... initial problem is solved. But now there is a new one. This time error says: Do you know what could go wrong this time?
  5. Hi! I'm trying to use the 'Helper Function' for Lottie Scroll Trigger into Nuxt 3 app. I followed a lot of entries from forum and instructions from 'Helpers Function' section GSAP docs. But when defining 'anim' variable with: Nuxt's Vite throw following error: I actually have imported GSAP and Lottie modules via CDN as recommended. Have someone follow any idea why this happens or how can I fixed? Thanks.
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