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Everything posted by MOQO

  1. Hi. I am wondering what will happen if we accidentally generate a new token to use our GSAP Business. What happens to our existing projects? Will this harm any existing projects that uses the old token? Or will code that has been build stay intact with that new token?
  2. Aha thanks! The solution was actually removing the scrollTrigger in the fromTo. Now that I know that its kinda logic. Thanks!
  3. Hi, we are having an issue with a gsap animation. Everything works fine on desktop but the issue happens on iOS. When you are at some position in the page after scrolling, the animation goes instant to the start position of the timeline. There are no classes or other code that gets triggered except the code beneath this post. So after scrolling it is actually top 50vh that gets set. Am I doing something wrong here? the $logo in the scrollTrigger in the fromTo is the same element as '.logo-gsap'. It happens some time after you stopped scrolling so I don't really think that it has something to do with you stop scrolling. I wonder what it could be since it is only on iOS that the issue is happening. let logoTl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: document.body, start: 0, end: () => window.innerHeight, scrub: 0 } }); logoTl.fromTo('.logo-gsap', { top: '50vh', yPercent: -50, scale: 1, height: '10vw', }, { top: '0', yPercent: 0, scale: isMobileSize ? .6 : .2, height: '0', scrollTrigger: { trigger: $logo, }, });
  4. Hi, a question about this. Is there any way of having the nested scrollable div to scroll smooth as well or is this not possible to achieve?
  5. Hi @mvaneijgen, We were able to add localhost to our local domain and got it working. Thanks!
  6. Hi, We would like to test this plugin before buying a membership. We tried installing gsap-trial for this, but we get redirected to a greensock error-page. Is there a way we can test locally? For Local development we use ddev so the URL for our local development is SITENAME.ddev.site Can we whitelist this for our account or how can we have access to this for just local development?
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