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Ram Ji

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Everything posted by Ram Ji

  1. It worked, so there is no problem with my redux slice? or is there a better way to make a slice for GSAP timeline. Please suggest. And Thanks a lot man I really appreciate this community and all of you guys.
  2. Hey @GSAP Helper @Rodrigo here is a minimal demo https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-xrykyh?file=src%2Ffeatures%2FtimelineSlice.js please check in this demo, the timeline is playing the animation of 2nd component which is purple box in beginning after the 2nd component animation is done, then it is playing the 1st components animation which is red box, and also check my timelineSlice is it good if it can be better then suggest something it would be really helpful.
  3. Hey @GSAP Helper I'm already using the useGSAP hook I'm requesting can you please provide me the code of redux slice and please explain how can I use redux toolkit to manage my timeline across my project in different components.
  4. Hey, so I'm creating a website where I need a timeline for multiple components, I'm trying to use the redux toolkit for the timeline but I can't figure out the way, how to implement the code, please help me with this. Thanks
  5. Hey guys I gave height to the photo now it is working all fine. This is another problem that I'm facing so I'm using lenis smooth scroll in my website and the website is build in react so when I scroll on home page I can scroll all the way to bottom but when I change the route and scroll again it gets stuck at the height of home page so It only scroll to the height of the home page is there a solution for this? Please help
  6. I didn't give it height just width, yes I refreshed the scrollTrigger. Alright here is a demo but I just copied and pasted it from my actual project so I didn't make any components in it and CSS and GSAP animations may be up and down, one more thing the demo that I have given is working perfectly fine but this issue is occurring on the mobile devices when the project is deployed. https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-9pcf5f?file=src%2FApp.js
  7. Hey, I have tried everything with the image but it's the same problem, I have even tried giving the image an explicit width but it didn't work either. Also, I tried this I loaded the full page after the page was loaded I went to a different route and when I went back to the same page then all animations and scrollTriggers were working fine.
  8. I'm not using lazy-loading, but I have set the opacity of the image to 0 in the animation, can I use the setTimeout to refresh the scrollTrigger after a second maybe? but I guess the animation will be played when the page loads because of the image. Can you tell me how I can check if the image is loaded, I'm new, so can you please provide the code? Thanks .
  9. @Cassie @GSAP Helper hey guys I tried to make some changes and I found out that I was using an image which loads slowly I mean it loads after the component is loaded so all the scroll triggers moves up before the image is loaded and that's why all the animation are playing before their actual positions. Please help me with this how can I load the image before the component and I have also reduced the size of image to around 36kb and using the webp format.
  10. Alright, I'll recreate it if I face the issue I'll let you guys know. It may take 2-3 days because I'm in the middle of my exams will you guys respond then?
  11. It is a big project and I have used many components in it, It would be time-consuming for me to make It from scratch in Stack Blitz. Are there any other solutions? I'll try to build it in Stack Blitz and send you the link when it is done.
  12. I have created a website in React JS with the help of the useGSAP hook and now when I run the website on localhost on mobile/desktop all the animations are working fine but after deploying the website animations are only working on the desktop but on mobile all the animations run on load like, when I load the page all the animations are performed automatically. Please help me I don't wanna use the 'ref' for each element.
  13. @mvaneijgen Please I just need a little bit of help I am new to GSAP and locomotive. It is just a small animation you might correct in just some minutes.
  14. Hi I'm new in this web development. I'm learning things right now. This codepen is fully working but when i apply locomotive js in this js file it stops me from scrolling i don't even see the scroll bar. I want to achieve this codepen animation which also woks with the locomotive js. Please help me and explain how it works. Thanks One more thing, when i apply the locomotive i change the scroller to ".main" it is still not working
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