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About EmilB94

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  1. Thanks for the answers. It works flawlessly using Parcel now. Now the problem is actually getting stuff to do what I want, but that's a whole other topic ?
  2. Do I need to list each unique plugin as a dependency in the .json file? Cause as I understood it, I don't..
  3. Hello, I am relatively new to programming, and as a start I wanted to try to just get one of the demos on codepen (https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/JjmLLWZ) working on my local environment. I bought the ShockinglyGreen membership and installed + registered through NPM, and it seems to have correctly imported all plugins into node_module: However, I keep getting the following error, and the animations are not working correctly: I am importing the plugins using the official GSAP syntax: // Import the GSAP library and plugins using ES modules import { gsap } from "gsap"; import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/ScrollTrigger"; import { ScrollSmoother } from "gsap/ScrollSmoother"; // Register Plugins gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger, ScrollSmoother);
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