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Everything posted by shalildev

  1. I have a question, how do I have a potentially different timeline let's say for example based on a boolean. I want to make something like this: https://qino.jp/, opening and closing the menu has a different animation, do I do that by passing somehow a certain boolean to a place or how would that be done? Is it something along the lines of: if(open) { // Opening animation timeline tl.fromTo(...).fromTo(...) } else { // Closing animation timeline tl.fromTo(...).fromTo(...) } Would really appreciate to know the right ways of dealing with this in gsap :)
  2. Thank you so much @akapowl this is exactly what I was missing
  3. Hello there, I have a question, on the page load I see the text already shown and then the animation starts, ideally I don't want to see the text right away and just animate it in, am I doing something wrong or?
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