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Antoine Thenoz

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Everything posted by Antoine Thenoz

  1. Hi, I have a problem with a trigger in my scrollTrigger. I want an animation to start when the trigger of an other element touch it but this element move faster than the scroll so the trigger is not on it. It's not really clear but look at the codePen. I want the trigger of the element separate to follow the element separate. I think I need to put something on the callback but I don't really know what. Thanks
  2. Hi, I'm new using ScrollTrigger and I face a problem. I want, like in the codepen, to move an element (x position) when I click on a button (green bloc) and then move his position x again with a scrolltrigger but when I scroll, the position reset to his first position (before the first animation move) and I don't want that. If someone can help, Thanks, Antoine
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