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  1. So is it like javascript objects, where only its reference is passed around?
  2. Hey @Rodrigo here's a minimal demo for it. : https://codepen.io/spaceboyy/pen/yLQRZYR Steps to recreate issue 1: 1. Play animation 1 2. Add last animation Issue 1: Clicking "Add last animation" plays the last animation (animation 1 in this case) again interrupting the already playing animation1 from step 1. ------------------ Steps to recreate issue 2: 1. "Play animation 1" 2. "Add last animation" 3. "Add last animation" 4. "Global Play" Issue 2: Clicking on "Add last animation" more than once (2 times in this case) back to back, keeps first instance paused and only plays the second instance of animation when I play the global play (the parent timeline)
  3. That keeps the child timelines paused in my parent timeline. So when I play the parent timeline except last child animation all the other child animations are still paused. A kind of work around for this I just found was setting the progress of previously playing animation to 1. This seems to be working (it isn't breaking as of now). New small problem: Only thing is when the child animation is added to the parent timeline, the child animation is played again when I add it & if I keep parent timeline paused while instantiating, the child animation that is playing stops immediately when I hit add. Let me know if I need to create a new topic
  4. So I want to view available small animation options first and have the ability to create a final animation by adding these small children animations to a parent timeline. Something like: Available Small Animations: 1. <move up 100px> (2s) 2. <move down 100px> (2s) Final animation can be a combination of small animation in any order and frequency: <move down 100px> <move down 100px> <move up 100px> <move down 100px> (8s) I need to use temporary variable to view an animation, and add button will then add the last viewed i.e. child timeline stored in temp variable(lastAnimation). When I preview animation when another animation is playing, I want to stop playing the previous animation and start the new one. The problem is killing the temp variable animation is also removing it from the final timeline if it was added. Even if I add 10 child animations, the final animation timeline only has the last animation that was added. This problem is not occurring if I don't kill the animations and wait until the animation is complete and then add it. The demo is simplified for CSS but my use case is for three.js animation so I need to use timelines to create simple animation that require position and rotation animation simultaneously. What am I missing?
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