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Alloysius prosper

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  1. i'm having this responds after using the cdn on the required script tage below my html body, yet after linking to my .js file its showing this responds port.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: scrollTrigger is not defined. what might be the issue. i want to add an transition that works while users scroll. gsap.registerPlugin(scrollTrigger) gsap.to('.element', { scrollTrigger: { trigger: 'element', start: 'top 80%', y:100, duration:1, end: 'bottom 100%', toggleActions: 'play none none reset', markers: true, // Display markers to visualize the trigger area scrub: true, // Enable scrubbing effect onEnter: () => console.log('Element entered the trigger area'), onLeave: () => console.log('Element left the trigger area'), onEnterBack: () => console.log('Element re-entered the trigger area'), onLeaveBack: () => console.log('Element re-left the trigger area') } });
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