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Everything posted by dishajk

  1. useLayoutEffect(() => { const animationContext = gsap.context(() => { const timeline = gsap.timeline(); const timelineButtonOff = gsap.timeline(); timeline.to(".landingOverlay", { opacity: 1, zIndex: 1, duration: 0.1, paused: isButtonClicked, ease: "none" }); timeline.to(marqueeDummy, { duration: 0.3, opacity: 0.4, }); const loopDummy = horizontalLoop(marqueeDummy, { repeat: -1, speed: 0.3, reversed: true }); const loop = horizontalLoop(marquee, { repeat: -1, speed: 0.3 }); timeline.add(loopDummy, 0.1); timeline.add(loop, 0); timelineButtonOff.to(".menuCarousel", { x: '-' + distance, ease: "none", scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".landingScreen", toggleActions: "restart pause reverse reset", start: "center 45%", end: "+=3000", scrub: 0.1, pin: true, pinSpacing: true, }, onReverseComplete: () => { setIsButtonClicked(false); timeline.play(); console.log('timeline has restarted'); } }); if (!isButtonClicked) { timeline.play(); } else { timeline.kill(); timelineButtonOff.play(); } }); return () => { animationContext.revert(); }; }, [isButtonClicked]); <div className='landingOverlay position-absolute' onWheel={handleButtonClick}> {/* landingOverlay content */} <button className='d-block rippleButton' onClick={handleButtonClick}><FaAngleDown /></button> </div> <div ref={landingScreenRef} className="landingScreen"> <div className={`marquee position-relative ${isButtonClicked ? '' : 'rotatedContainer'}`}> <div className="dummyCarousel d-flex flex-row"> {/* dummyCarousel content */} </div> <div className='my-4'> <div className='d-flex flex-row menuCarousel position-relative'> {/* menuCarousel content */} </div> </div> <div className='dummyCarousel d-flex flex-row'> {/* dummyCarousel content */} </div> </div> </div> I am trying to implement a marquee-like animation effect for a menu carousel on the landing screen. The isButtonClicked state changes from false to true when you do handleButtonClick and to false when you reverseCallback. When I reverseCallBack, the state of menuCarousel changes to original but not that of dummyCarousel. What am I doing wrong? Edit 1: I figured that the problem is in using reversed: true for the handleLoop function
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