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Everything posted by Ninuz

  1. https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-nlsffx?file=src%2Fpages%2Findex.astro This is a demo I created but I am unable to reproduce the issue. If you run this StackBlitz works. So I am thinking the cause must be somewhere else in my project. Maybe the font? Is there a way to start the animation only after the font is loaded? ( I ll probably figure this out later today )
  2. Sorry didn’t me anyone to debug a live site, was more of a reference. the codepen I provided is the same exact code am using in the site and it works pretty much so I assume the logic I used is correct. I tried adjusting the padding with some other approach but in prod the last element it always overlap with the first. I’ll see if I can use an invisible spacer instead of padding to kinda hack it I guess! Thanks!
  3. Hey guys, how you doing? Nub here trying to understand something... I m new to this so don't go too hard on me I m trying to create a text marquee animation and apparently it works ( not sure is the right approach but works. ) Now I have the same exact code on this astro website https://ninuz-astro.vercel.app/ am working on and the last clone overlap with the first element. I tried various approach but cant figure it out. The code I am using in the website is the same used in the codepen
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