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Everything posted by Vencoca

  1. Thank you, it worked as a charm. ? I updated the codepen and blitz as well.
  2. Hello, I'm workin on project with Smoothscroll and I stumbled upon issue on mobile. When I scroll down and the adress bar hides it recalculates elements with data-speed and they jump. This happens only when I release finger, if I hold the screen it doesnt do that recalculation. So my question is - Is there a way how to stop this recalculation without using normalize scroll (this solves the issue), because I would like the adress bar to hide? I put down example on stackblitz https://js-dnfvls.stackblitz.io/ as well since in codepen I couldnt figure out the way how to run it on mobile without iframe, so it will reproduce the issue im having. Thanks in advance Vencoca
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