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Salah Belaid

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Posts posted by Salah Belaid

  1. Hello GreenSock Members 


    I have been exploring the capabilities of GSAP and Three.js and recently came across a fascinating distortion effect library that combines the power of both these technologies. After thorough research

    I couldn't find any detailed information or examples on how to make the images inside the canvas responsive

    object-fit property should be enough but it behave weird


    please check my simplified project file bellow  

  2. hello @Rodrigo 


    Your assistance has been immensely helpful in resolving my animation issue, and I am truly grateful for your expertise and support

    Your solution worked flawlessly, and I was able to successfully implement it in my project.

    The clarity and detail of your explanation were exceptional


    Thank you ❤️

    • Like 1
  3. Dear GreenSock community,


    I am attempting to implement animation with pin and transform but it seem to be encountering unexpected behavior (im using transform so the boxes leave their place blank and bottom text should be in boxes position )

    you can see what i'm trying to reach in the video  

    Please find below a simplified version of the code I'm currently using in codepen


    Any guidance or suggestions you can provide would be highly appreciated.

    I am open to alternative approaches or any additional information that could assist in resolving this issue.

    Thank you kindly for your time and expertise.

    See the Pen vYQGyOy by Belaid-Salah-Eddine (@Belaid-Salah-Eddine) on CodePen

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