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  1. Clearing ASO's solved the problem. Thank you very much for help!
  2. I recently upgraded to v12 while working on a project and have some problems with: TweenMax.defaultEase = Linear.easeNone; as well as some other easing functions (ex. Bounce, Elastic). It returns type mismatch error - it needs Ease, but gets Function. I found out that BounceOut.ease works (Bounce.easeOut doesn't), but I dont know what to do with Linear ease. I'm using action script 2 version if that matters.
  3. Yes, I think you're right. It really runs smoother in browser. Thank you very much for quick answer, I'm happy it's not a code problem.
  4. I'm using this code to move my character: TweenMax.defaultEase = Linear.easeNone; onEnterFrame = function() { if (Key.isDown(39) && !moving) { moving = true; TweenMax.to(char, .5, {_x:"50", onComplete:function(){moving=false;}}); TweenMax.to(char.barrier, .5, {_rotation:"90"}); } if (Key.isDown(37) && !moving) { moving = true; TweenMax.to(char, .5, {_x:"-50", onComplete:function(){moving=false;}}); TweenMax.to(char.barrier, .5, {_rotation:"-90"}); } } When I keep arrow pressed, character moves quite smoothly, but sometimes stops for a fraction of second. Is there something wrong with my code or something else is causing this (increasing frame rate hepled a bit, but animation is still not perfectly smooth)?
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