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  1. I found another probably best solution for this problem, which was to add this code to my animation codebase: // Fix mobile version ScrollTrigger.observe({ trigger: 'body', type: "touch,pointer", // comma-delimited list of what to listen for ("wheel,touch,scroll,pointer") onUp: () => { ScrollTrigger.update(); }, });
  2. Hi, strange situation, I wrote some pretty basic code to do animation (code at the bottom) it works perfectly fine on PC when scrolling, but onUpdate() function doesn't ever trigger on mobile, probably because touchmove isn't handled properly? Is it supposed to be that way? No mobile support on newest version? I did some debugging and I see that a function which does all the heavy lifting isn't triggered for mobile events, so I modified ScrollTrigger.js and forced trigger of mobile events, by adding line 2554: _addListener$1(_win$1, "touchmove", _onScroll$1); and it started working as expected. But it just doesn't make sense.. How come a library used by thousands lack such support. Seems like I am missing something here pretty hard. Any thoughts? Basic code: gsap.to(timelineLine, { height: '100%', duration: 1, ease: 'none', scrollTrigger: { trigger: timelineContainer, start: 'top+=50px bottom-=25%', end: 'bottom-=200px bottom-=25%', scrub: 2.5, }, onUpdate: function() { ... }, });
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