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Everything posted by FrancisBacon

  1. Hello, I'm trying to recreate this parallax background with pinned text effect on this site "https://selemen.liqium.com/" (screenshot attached) the problem I'm facing is that the headings are not pinned properly. upon comparing both via developer's tool I found out that Selemen website's titles are not getting position fixed while I'm trying to pin the headings. Not sure if it's related to scrolltrigger or not. If anyone can explain something or give any leads that'll be very helpful. Thanks in advance.
  2. This is what I'm aiming for, maybe it won't be a 100% match but I was trying to get as close as possible. see screen recording https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/video/18594805?key=6d7a8ffd4c05750d3474163cea9aed77
  3. WOW !! that's really great insight, thank you so much for a detailed explanation. Yes, I'm aware of the SVG paths issue, not an SVG expert so I created them quickly to get started with the coding fun I'll fix it. I was going for morphSVG because I wanted to create an effect where both left and right circles merge into one another with a goovy effect changing their colors to the final circle. any tips on that?
  4. Hey good people, I'm trying to create an animation where 2 dots travels along their paths as you scroll down and at the end they should morph into the shape of the final circle. I'm using morphSVGPlugin for the first time and by documentation it says we need to convert the circle/polygons etc to a path, the problem is if I add MorphSVGPlugin.convertToPath("circle") to the code, the scroll animation stops working. I have added the codepen. Can someone help me figure out what am I missing?
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