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Ashish Sngh

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  1. @akapowl Thanks for your help so far. I have modified the code according to my needs which is working so far but the indicators seems to be broken, its not working on click in my code, I tried to figure out the issues but can't get over it. If you can check and make it work, it would be really great. I haven't modified the indicators code but don't know why it is not working. I have included the pen below: https://codepen.io/mr_ashish/pen/rNQxpJo
  2. Hi, I am trying to change the position of active class from the p tag to where the class="point" is but it is not working so far. Can you help me make the edit. Thanks.
  3. @akapowl Thanks for the help. Will look into it and try to improve my calculations on writing gsap for sure. Thanks again...
  4. Hello there, I am using the above scrolltrigger code but I wanted to add toggle class to the texts when comes into view. For example in the article element i wanted to add class. I tried to add it but the class is adding but not getting toggled. Here is the code i tried... https://codepen.io/mr_ashish/pen/JjejpGv Edit: I have updated my pen, now the class is getting toggled in each article element but upon scrolling back to top its glitching, can you guys help me fix that. Thanks, Ashish
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