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Posts posted by split19

  1. Hi everyone!


    We're offering the use of Olavana for a free pilot period. We'll be doing this for the next month or so (February-March 2022).


    Olavana is a platform for banner developers and ad agencies to post, review, discuss, approve and deliver HTML banner ads. There is also a built-in Task Manager to keep all the client requests organized and tracked.


    If you want to try it out, please visit https://www.olavana.com and contact us there. We'd love for you to try it out and give us your feedback on the software.


    Hopefully Olavana will save you time and money, and give you a professional look when reviewing your work with your clients. 


    I'm happy to answer any questions and help any way I can. I'm looking forward to hearing feedback from this awesome community! Thank you.

  2. Hey banner animators!


    I wanted to let you know that we're doing some pilot testing (for free) on Olavana for the next month or so (February-March 2022). If you want to do a free pilot test, please head over to https://www.olavana.com and contact us there. We'd love for you to try it out and give us your feedback on the software.


    Olavana is a single platform for posting, reviewing, discussing, approving and delivering your HTML banner ads. We also have a built-in Task Manager to keep all the feedback organized in a simple way.


    We've been building banners for 15+ years (yes, that makes me pretty old!) and have used Greensock since way back in the Flash days. Based on all that experience, we built Olavana with developers and ad agencies in mind.


    Hopefully our tools will save you time and money, and give you a professional look when reviewing your work with your clients. 


    I'm happy to answer any questions and help any way I can. I'm looking forward to hearing feedback from this awesome community! Thank you.

  3. Thanks everyone! I really appreciate it. i changed the library URL to the 1.19.1 URL and it works.


    when the globe stops on a region, i'm dropping some markers on some cities (not shown in my pen). so since i need to do clearMarkers() at the start of every tweenFromTo() when the globe starts animating again, i added this after each tween, to simulate onStart:

    autoplay_tl.add(clearMarkers, "-=0.75"); 

    seems to be a good workaround for now:

        autoplay_tl.add(window.tl.tweenFromTo("region1", "region2", { ease: Power1.easeInOut, onComplete: dropMarkers, onCompleteParams: [markers_region2_mc] }).duration(0.75));
        autoplay_tl.add(clearMarkers, "-=0.75");
        autoplay_tl.add(window.tl.tweenFromTo("region2", "region3", { ease: Power1.easeInOut, onComplete: dropMarkers, onCompleteParams: [markers_region3_mc], delay: 2}).duration(0.75));
        autoplay_tl.add(clearMarkers, "-=0.75");   
        autoplay_tl.add(window.tl.tweenFromTo("region3", "region4", { ease: Power1.easeInOut, delay: 2}).duration(0.75));
        autoplay_tl.add(clearMarkers, "-=0.75");
        autoplay_tl.add(window.tl.tweenFromTo("region4", "region1b", { ease: Power1.easeInOut, delay: 2, onComplete: function () { window.tl.seek("region1"); console.log("reset"); } }).duration(2));
        autoplay_tl.add(clearMarkers, "-=0.75");
        autoplay_tl.add(window.tl.tweenFromTo("region1", "region2", { ease: Power1.easeInOut, delay: 2 }).duration(0.75));

    Jack - a related question: when you release v 1.19.1, will it get updated on Google's CDN, listed here? my code is part of a banner that will be served by DoubleClick.


    thank you!

    • Like 1
  4. hi guys
    i have a TimelineMax timeline set up, tweening a spritesheet with about 300 frames. it's working great, tweening from 1 label to another. but when i add an onStart param:
    tl.tweenFromTo("region1", "region2", { onStart: clearMarkers }).duration(0.75);

    i get this error:

    Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
        at Object.g.onStart (tweenmax_1.18.5_23b0de6…_min.js:14)
        at Object.g._callback (tweenmax_1.18.5_23b0de6…_min.js:16)
        at Object.g.onStart (tweenmax_1.18.5_23b0de6…_min.js:14)
        at Object.g._callback (tweenmax_1.18.5_23b0de6…_min.js:16)
        at Object.g.onStart (tweenmax_1.18.5_23b0de6…_min.js:14)
        at Object.g._callback (tweenmax_1.18.5_23b0de6…_min.js:16)
        at Object.g.onStart (tweenmax_1.18.5_23b0de6…_min.js:14)
        at Object.g._callback (tweenmax_1.18.5_23b0de6…_min.js:16)
        at Object.g.onStart (tweenmax_1.18.5_23b0de6…_min.js:14)
        at Object.g._callback (tweenmax_1.18.5_23b0de6…_min.js:16)

    i'm guessing the 300 frames has something to do with it, but i would think that this tweenFromTo() would only be called once and should be ok. any ideas why this is happening and how i can fix it?



  5. wow, thanks for creating the video, @Carl! that does work as suggested. i can now animate x and y. very cool.


    the annoying thing is that if i use my arrow keys to precisely move the object on the stage, it starts changing the left and top again. so i have to click and drag the object, or type in numbers (or click into and use arrow keys) in the 3D position and view panel. pretty annoying, but it does work. so thanks! this will help to get the animation smoother on certain objects that are moving and scaling or moving slowly.

    • Like 1
  6. i've gotten GSAP working well in GWD. but i notice that all images dropped on the stage are position: absolute. so, trying to animate "x" works but moves the element relative to its own position. eg this:

    TweenLite.to("#b1", 1, { x: 15 });

    moves the div #b1 to the right 15px from where it is, not to 15px from the left edge.


    does anyone know how to fix this in GWD so i can use x and y, not left and top? i tried a few things, but nothing seemed to work. did i do something wrong when setting up the images on stage?


    i read in the forums that using x instead of left will also help get rid of jittery animations http://greensock.com/forums/topic/9249-jittery-animation-with-slow-moving-images/


    thank you!

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