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  1. Hi @Rodrigo thank you so much for taking care of this. Can I ask about the bit you added? ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: ".description", snap: { snapTo: 1 / 4, duration: 0.5 }, start: "top top", end: "max" }); This will add another ScrollTrigger on the first div for what? Sorry for the noob question I tried to add a div on the bottom - https://codepen.io/Roberto-Pelonara/pen/bGmKBLj The "Carousel" stands there and will not show me the bottom div.
  2. Hello everyone, I'm trying to achieve what it seemed to me to be a simple task but it's driving me mad. I have a web page with some content, so the user scrolls vertically, at some point instead of the classic scroll should be a vertical carousel in fullscreen with some nice animation while scrolling. Starting from a demo of GSAP ScrollTrigger I managed to implement this in a test page with my content; but if I add element on top and after the scroll go crazy. https://codepen.io/Roberto-Pelonara/pen/gOBzNzJ - Here a little example of what I mean I need some tips on how to fix it and have the effect of snapping only on the carousel while rest of the scrolls normally. Thank you!
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