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  1. Thanks for sharing those animations but still. I'm very confused about how two paragraphs will come into screen one after another. In that case also first paragraph will come into view and text masking happens and when first paragraph will complete the animation then the second paragraph came into view.
  2. Hi @Rodrigo First of all i would like to thank you for coming here to helping me. Actually i have a scenerio in my mind that section 1 should be pinned to the top of the pink block and untill further scroll section 2 will come while section 2 will completely render then on further scroll whole sectionParent will scroll. I hope i'm explain. I'll share you some snapshot of the animation something like the images attached.
  3. Want to develop and animation of scroll trigger where we scroll and first half section will appears and then after further scroll second half seciton will reveal. Here section 1 is disappears while reach to the top and then section 2 is also disappears. Link of code sandbox attached: https://codesandbox.io/s/section-to-be-scrolled-half-and-pinned-ycc4no?file=/src/App.tsx
  4. Is there any other way possible to make this kind of animations.
  5. Please help me out. I'm working on a project which contains a complex animation like mentioned below and screenshot attached. They are the steps to add animations 1. Particles start to appear from the corners
Blurred 2. Particles become clear
They start to gain quantity and movement 3. it’s becoming more and more of them 4. They become many enough to start forming an abstract shape (a wave of particles) that move randomly around the screen 5. Wave keeps moving randomly around gaining more and more particles 6. Wave keeps moving randomly around gaining more and more particles 7. After that the wave starts to gather all particles in the centre 8. After that the wave starts to gather all particles in the centre 9. After it separates again 10. Forming a circle 11. And eventually forming 2 lines of text 12. Creating more vivid shape of letters Screenshot of the animated states attached for reference. Please suggest the technology where this kind of animation is possible. Your answer will be very helpful for me.
  6. Can we create an animation like after the loading state. The text fades in from left to right. Screen Recording 2023-05-09 at 6.19.34 PM.mov
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