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kinglycodes's Achievements

  1. Is there a good documentation, tutorial or course to get started with GSAP 3 and Typescript How to setup gsap with typescript correctly How to define gsap types correctly I can't find any related content, neither on youtube, udemy, google, stackoverflow aso. The only things I can find are specific questions in the forum here. But nothing about to setup gsap with typescript correctly
  2. Thank you so much, you saved my day! It's working perfectly and I learned new things!
  3. Problem: How can I stop an infinite previous tween, when the following tween with scrollTrigger is ended? In the example the infinite previous tween starts again, after the scrollTrigger tween is ended. You have to wait 2 seconds to see it. I have created a stackblitz which shows the exact problem Stackblitz Example
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