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Everything posted by Wolfcoding

  1. Hi everyone, I am having trouble with getting a sticky element to work together with ScrollTrigger. As you can see in the codepen the horizontal scrolling is working great, but when you finish with the horizontal scroll and move to the next section the sticky element will immediately jump to the bottom of the element. I am not sure how to prevent this. When I disable the horizontal scroll the sticky component works as expected so I think it gets confused there somehow. PS: please test with a desktop resolution, the problem is hard to see on mobile or in the frame below.
  2. Thanks you for the example @Cassie, I tweaked it a little bit so it looks like this now which is perfect for me https://codepen.io/edwin_rocketcode/pen/WNmrEyK
  3. Hi everyone, I am trying to recreate this scroll effect using GSAP: (as seen on https://www.apple.com/am/apple-watch-series-8/) Screen Recording 2024-01-03 at 15.30.08.mp4 Basically I have a number of images that I want to scroll into the view like this using ScrollTrigger, so that when the user scrolls down the images will move from bottom to top in this order. But I haven't got any idea where to start creating an animation like this. Can anyone give me an example of how it can work or some search terms so that I can try to find some examples by myself? Thanks!
  4. This works, but then the orange bar is not visible when your scrolling through the first container which was a requirement . Thanks though! This is exactly it, it seems like `pinnedContainer` solves all the issues, thanks!
  5. Hi! I have a problem with the scroll trigger function, I have an section with has some pinned content, so it is scrolling horizontally. Directly below that section I have another section which should slide in 2 lines of text. The problem is that the slide in element is triggered before the pin content has been scroll through entirely. I want to make it so the the lines of text slide in only after the pinned content is has been scrolled through. It is a bit had too see in the codepen but if you open it in a larger window that you can see the lines slide in too early. Thanks!
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