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Everything posted by GillesG

  1. Thanks for the ideas. Your point was correct : "element" was not a DOM element. This was due to the fact that document.querySelectorAll(".grid-layout_item")[0].firstChild is not returning the same thing with vue 2 /webpack and vue 3 / vite.js the fix is document.querySelectorAll(".grid-layout_item")[0].firstElementChild
  2. Hello All, Quite new to GSAP, I am using an App coded in vue2 and Using GSAP in e avery simple way. I am in a migration journey, but there are rocks on the road. My (vue 2) App is using the following code with out any issue private animateSupplyCardSort() { const sortedCards = SupplyCardSorter.sort(this.supplyCards.concat(), this.sortOption, this.$t.bind(this)); const descriptors = this.createMoveDescriptors(sortedCards); const newMapping: Map<number, number> = new Map(); for (let descriptor of descriptors) { const element = this.getSupplyCardElement(descriptor.elementIndex); const startCoord = this.getPositionForElementIndex(descriptor.elementIndex); const endCoord = this.getPositionForElementIndex(descriptor.newVisualIndex); const x = endCoord.x - startCoord.x; const y = endCoord.y - startCoord.y; const tweenLite = gsap.to(element, {duration: ANIMATION_DURATION_SEC, transform: `translate(${x}px,${y}px)`, ease: Sine.easeInOut, onComplete: function() { tweenLite.kill return; } } ); this.activeAnimations.add(tweenLite); newMapping.set(descriptor.newVisualIndex, descriptor.elementIndex); } this.elementIndexMapping = newMapping; } Migrating it to vue 3 the code of this function is just the same. const animateSupplyCardSort = () => { const sortedCards = SupplyCardSorter.sort(supplyCards.value.concat(), sortOption.value, t); const descriptors = createMoveDescriptors(sortedCards); const newMapping: Map<number, number> = new Map(); for (let descriptor of descriptors) { const element = getSupplyCardElement(descriptor.elementIndex); const startCoord = getPositionForElementIndex(descriptor.elementIndex); const endCoord = getPositionForElementIndex(descriptor.newVisualIndex); const x = endCoord.x - startCoord.x; const y = endCoord.y - startCoord.y; let activeAnimation = gsap.to(element, { duration: ANIMATION_DURATION_SEC, transform: `translate(${x}px,${y}px)`, ease: Sine.easeInOut, onComplete: function () { activeAnimation.kill return; } }); activeAnimations.add(activeAnimation); newMapping.set(descriptor.newVisualIndex, descriptor.elementIndex); } elementIndexMapping = newMapping; } And unfortunaltely for me at runtime I have the following messages (with multiple moving info) FlippingCard.vue:190 Invalid property transform set to translate(-418px,0px) Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin(). What is weird is on another component, rotation animation works. const animateToRotation = (rotation: number) => { activeAnimation = gsap.to(animationParams.value, { duration: ANIMATION_DURATION_SEC, rotation: rotation, ease: Sine.easeInOut, onComplete: () => handleAnimationEnd() }); } So GSAP is installed properly. I suppose it's link to vue 3, but how ? I will try to generated a codepen,but it is not that simple, because I tested the code on a brand new Vue project and it works. Some informations if you are interested : app working : https://www.71yeti.fr Github repos : https://github.com/gillesgros/KingdomCreator-Blake the guilty component : https://github.com/gillesgros/KingdomCreator-Blake/blob/main/src/components/SortableSupplyCards.vue a half working component : https://github.com/gillesgros/KingdomCreator-Blake/blob/main/src/components/FlippingCard.vue Github repos in vue 3 : https://github.com/gillesgros/Vite-KingdomCreator-New the guilty component : https://github.com/gillesgros/Vite-KingdomCreator-New/blob/main/src/components/SortableSupplyCards.vue a half working component : https://github.com/gillesgros/Vite-KingdomCreator-New/blob/main/src/components/FlippingCard.vue Thanks for any advice on where to look. Gilles
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