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Eric Llama Johnson

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Everything posted by Eric Llama Johnson

  1. I was running into this too and it turned out my issue was that I was calling `tl.scrollTrigger.enable(false);` before I restored the user's scroll position. I moved `tl.scrollTrigger.enable(false);` after the scroll position was restored and that solved it! Here's my Codepen demo: https://codepen.io/ericdjohnson/pen/bGOgaPR/a0a170062ea8f3395b40c5063bb59037?editors=1010
  2. Omg, I saw the new syntax for staggerTo, but my eye never noticed the switch to `.to` instead of `.staggerTo`. :face-palm: Thank you! I'll update my codepens so they can be forked (I don't know why I would have turned that off!)
  3. I'm trying to have two `staggerTo` animations overlap, however the position parameter doesn't seem to be working for `staggerTo`. In my codepen example `to` animations work, but `staggerTo` don't. Can you help me? I'm sure this is some syntax error on my part! https://codepen.io/ericdjohnson/pen/jOQzXyo/8275ff19012a2b8abe5816e16a8c323f
  4. Ah yes! Thank you for fixing that! And I figured out what I was doing wrong in general too... I was calling gsap.registerPlugin(...) more than once in my React component. ?‍♂️ Thanks for your help Jack!
  5. Hmm, I'm having trouble getting ScrollTrigger to work with Remix on CodeSandbox... when I try to register ScrollTrigger I get this error: Here's my CodeSandbox... can someone take a look to see what I'm doing wrong? https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/nervous-dust-qdo1u8?file=%2Fapp%2Fcomponents%2Ftest.tsx
  6. Nevermind, I see now how to import the extra Greensock plugins now... I'll see if I can replicate my error on CodeSandbox!
  7. Also, how would I go about setting up a CodeSandbox with SmoothScroller + Remix? Looks like there's a Remix template ready on CodeSandbox:
  8. @IvyFu did you figure out the issue with SmoothScroller and Remix? I've just run into the same error I believe. TypeError: _mainInstance.content is not a function at ScrollSmoother.create (http://localhost:3000/build/routes/index-4MOFVTFL.js:8326:49) at http://localhost:3000/build/routes/index-4MOFVTFL.js:8363:20 at commitHookEffectListMount (http://localhost:3000/build/entry.client-MDLAOY3P.js:16443:34) at commitPassiveMountOnFiber (http://localhost:3000/build/entry.client-MDLAOY3P.js:17684:19) at commitPassiveMountEffects_complete (http://localhost:3000/build/entry.client-MDLAOY3P.js:17657:17) at commitPassiveMountEffects_begin (http://localhost:3000/build/entry.client-MDLAOY3P.js:17647:15) at commitPassiveMountEffects (http://localhost:3000/build/entry.client-MDLAOY3P.js:17637:11) at flushPassiveEffectsImpl (http://localhost:3000/build/entry.client-MDLAOY3P.js:18990:11) at flushPassiveEffects (http://localhost:3000/build/entry.client-MDLAOY3P.js:18947:22) at http://localhost:3000/build/entry.client-MDLAOY3P.js:18828:17
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