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  1. I've been trying to use the panelscrollexample from the throwprops page (here) in an air for ios app. I've used it in the past with no issues, what's different this time is I need to trigger code from one of the loaded swfs so I require air sdk 4 or higher. problem is in anything over 3.4 I'm not seeing any of the external content at all in the demo. I'm working directly with the demo files (that don't have any as3 in them), only changing the target to air 4.0 or higher (tested up to 13) xcode posts the following in console Has anyone had any experience with this? Thanks.
  2. Good afternoon! Trying to figure out how I can tween my "-webkit-mask-size" CSS Prop? it seems to invalidate my javascript when there are "-"s in the code.. Thanks
  3. Good evening, I'm trying to achieve an effect where several "dots" are interconnected with 3px lines, I want the "dots" to have some random wiggle to them, and have the lines always connected form one center to the next dots. anyone have experience with this, that could point me towards the right direction? Thanks!
  4. It would seem that removing the transform origin code resolved the issue I was having! Thank you very much for the support, and excellent product.
  5. Jack, Thanks for responding, I'll clean up the transform origin, I had it in there from the sample I found showing the y rotation transform. This will be running in a flash projector on a kiosk, and It happens on each frame unfortunately not the first one. Is there a way to send you the .fla file directly? I'm not comfortable posting it publicly even though its not confidential, I don't think my client would appreciate it.
  6. I realize this is probably happening on the frame enter while the content is still loading. Is there any way to work around this? reformatting so everything is on one frame isn't an option.
  7. Big thank you to everyone that makes this forum such a huge asset. I'm having an issue with a Kiosk I'm working on. Basically i've built it with each "slide" on its own flash timeline frame. For each flash timeline frame I have a GS timelineMax to make everything awesome. My issue is that when jumping to the next flash frame I get a momentary "flash" or blink of the content that is set to animate .from. it quickly goes away but is really unsightly. here's an excerpt. any help would be greatly appreciated. var timeline1:TimelineLite = new TimelineMax({ onComplete:goToTwo}); timeline1.append( TweenMax.from(FR1.MFPS, 2, {autoAlpha:0, rotationX:90, transformOrigin:"left top", ease:Elastic.easeOut, delay: 1})); timeline1.append( TweenMax.from(FR1.p1, .5, {autoAlpha:0, rotationY:90, transformOrigin:"left top", ease:Quint.easeIn, delay: .5})); timeline1.append( TweenMax.from(FR1.Ba, 2, {autoAlpha:0, rotationX:90, transformOrigin:"left top", ease:Elastic.easeOut, delay: -.05})); timeline1.append( TweenMax.from(FR1.p2, .5, {autoAlpha:0, rotationY:90, transformOrigin:"left top", ease:Quint.easeIn, delay: .5})); timeline1.append( TweenMax.from(FR1.ser, 2, {autoAlpha:0, rotationX:90, transformOrigin:"left top", ease:Elastic.easeOut, delay: -.05})); timeline1.append( TweenMax.from(FR1.equals, 1,{scrollRect:{x:0, y:0, width:0, height:140}, ease:Expo.easeInOut, delay: 0 })); function goToTwo(){ this.gotoAndStop(2); } stop();
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