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Evoke Canale

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Everything posted by Evoke Canale

  1. I'm trying to create a Flip animation that swaps grid items on click. I am basing it off of this GSAP demo: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/BawpNeV The Flip animation completes fine, but then all of the grid items move and then shift back to their correct position. I've tried using both absolute: true and absolute: false. absolute: true provides the smooth animation but has the shift after it completes. absolute: false has a jerky animation, but no shift after it complete. I've created a minimal demo here: https://codepen.io/canalecomm_dev/pen/bGJaQZq Thank you for any help!
  2. @Rodrigo Thank you so much for the updated demo and help. Using context to revert on close was exactly what was needed. thanks again!
  3. Thank you very much for the help! I'll make sure the demos are much more minimal in the future.
  4. I'm running into an issue where I have panels displaying content that are hidden/shown on click. On click, the panel content loads and a three functions run, one runs scrolltrigger, one runs splittext and then one that animates the splittext. When a panel is open and the close button is clicked, all three functions should reset. The two issues that I'm running into are, not having the GSAP functions run properly on the click of the panel and the functions not resetting on the click of the close button. The codepen contains my efforts so far. Thank you for any help.
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