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Everything posted by Shopistan

  1. I am new to GSAP, i have a video to implement animation on scroll with pinned section. I'll attach link of video below. please help me how to create animation like that.
  2. I am using scrolltrigger pin from GSAP to pin sections on page, the issue I am facing is when section get pinned i.e, get into position: fixed, there is a little jerk there. how can i remove that jerk or make it smooth while section get pinned. i don't have codepen but the site link https://kwr4x8x916ps6dj6-58389889124.shopifypreview.com/pages/nos-valeurs. Anyone who can help? My code is as follow (function () { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { const headerSpacing = document.querySelector("#section-header").offsetHeight; gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger, ScrollToPlugin); const materialContainer = document.querySelector( "body.template-Nos-valeurs main.page-sections" ); const sections = materialContainer.querySelectorAll( ".shopify-section:not(#shopify-section-template--18557973627226__2113a9df-0210-4faa-97bb-77faee7f71f4, #shopify-section-template--18557973627226__main, #shopify-section-template--18557973627226__0f93aafa-617d-4f57-be76-2561835aefa9, #shopify-section-template--18557973627226__9da12b1e-ecc4-4c8f-b68a-3c9c3ac5261c)" ); sections.forEach((section) => { const content = section; ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: content, start: `top-=${headerSpacing}px top`, pin: true, end: "bottom center", // markers: true, onEnter: () => { content.classList.add("is--Active"); }, onLeaveBack: () => { content.classList.remove("is--Active"); }, }); }); }); })();
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