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Everything posted by epicsupreme

  1. @mvaneijgen So i got the results i wanted, i used a flex box with columns and justify-content: end along with pinning the container. It works pretty well, but now I have another issue that I cannot figure out at all. I would like to click a button and have the content rest at the top of the window, but when i do it with smoother.scrollTo() it doesn't bring it up to the top, it seems kinda random when you press the button. Any ideas? https://codepen.io/epicsupreme/pen/abRWrox/8c64f13ba8cedf0360ab894a52ff59ed
  2. @mvaneijgen this is really close! The example doesn't start from zero but ideally I could start it from any height and it should work. Your example here has given me an idea that I think will work, so thanks for that! if it does work I'll be sure to post it here. Thanks to you and @Rodrigo for the help!
  3. @mvaneijgen Thanks so much for your response! This is close and I've gotten somewhere like this before, but what I can't figure out in the example is how to get the multiple rows to stay at the bottom of the screen while growing exponentially, as well as having the scrub: 1.5 to get the smooth scrub effect. I've taken your example and applied a shorter stagger and the scrub and you can see how it's so close but it pulls the boxes container too high on scroll instead of keeping it at the bottom. https://codepen.io/epicsupreme/pen/zYmKXQB/6b8ac0b6a94f298d3dd227e26c8e5e73
  4. Hi, I'm trying to create something like the expanding/collapsing scrolling found here on the projects: https://k72.ca/en/work I want to set each box to a height of 0 then expand each box on scroll, staggering them, while they stay at the bottom of the window. I've gotten close with it, but I can't seem to get the timing right with the stagger and scrub values to make it consistent. You can see in the codepen I'm creating a timeline that is managed by the scrolltrigger, and i've almost got the desired effect, but the boxes aren't expanding fast enough to stay at the bottom. Any help in the right direction would be much appreciated. Thanks!
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