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  1. @GreenSock Thank you for your guide it was very helpful! What I actually looking for is something combination of This codepen and This one. What I mean is that I want to have some titles on left and changing content with scroll on right. I handled the content and scroll but I need the right content to be single scroll(just change one section with every scroll). I found the first codepen I linked helpful but it has some problems. first that if you use the scrollbar to scroll it's very messy! And the second problem is that it isn't handling the single scroll that I want. Can you help me with these problems?
  2. Hi everyone. In this codesandbox and codes in the services section there are 6 subsections. The container is pinned and with scroll the content inside the subsections is changing. I want to make this subsections single scroll like This example but I haven't found a solution for ding this. Can anyone help me with this?
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