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Posts posted by S3BASTIAN

  1. Hi everyone and thanks in advance!

    I had this problem a few months back and now I'm having the same problem again. I use to work with this Owl Carousel for the websites I work with, and when combining the Owl Carousel with Gsap, the Star and End triggers are placed in different locations than they should.

    On the websites I made, the Start is located wayyyy downwards. In this example it's upwards. I guess that Gsap is making all the calculations before the images are placed. I thought that with ScrollTrigger.refresh(); it should solve this but I guess it's for another case.

    Again, thanks in advance!


    See the Pen oNJZNaE by soporo123 (@soporo123) on CodePen

  2. Dear @mvaneijgen thanks for your help and clear explanation!!

    Yes, I saw the first demo that it  left some weird spaces on top and botton of the carousel that in a website made it look weird and had no clue how to solve it!

    Thanks again for your time and help.

    Have a great week,


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  3. Hi everyone! Thanks in advance for your help. I've read lots of examples and videos but I guess I'm not understanding the main concept of something here.


    I want to have this carrousel spin as it is, but it happens way too fast, it does not let you see each slide properly. In every example I saw, each "slide"covers the whole view area, but I want to maintain this small slides, and I want to leave the section below it (the footer) attached below it (guess that with pinSpacing: true may help... don't know really.

    I would like to have the horizontal scroll pinned in place until you reach the last slide, so I can have time to read each one.


    MAYBE watching this codepen example in full screen show better the problem


    Again, many thanks for your help!


    See the Pen vYVYWPB by soporo123 (@soporo123) on CodePen

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