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  1. Hi everyone and thanks in advance! I had this problem a few months back and now I'm having the same problem again. I use to work with this Owl Carousel for the websites I work with, and when combining the Owl Carousel with Gsap, the Star and End triggers are placed in different locations than they should. On the websites I made, the Start is located wayyyy downwards. In this example it's upwards. I guess that Gsap is making all the calculations before the images are placed. I thought that with ScrollTrigger.refresh(); it should solve this but I guess it's for another case. Again, thanks in advance! Sebastian
  2. Dear @mvaneijgen thanks for your help and clear explanation!! Yes, I saw the first demo that it left some weird spaces on top and botton of the carousel that in a website made it look weird and had no clue how to solve it! Thanks again for your time and help. Have a great week, Sebastian
  3. Hi everyone! Thanks in advance for your help. I've read lots of examples and videos but I guess I'm not understanding the main concept of something here. I want to have this carrousel spin as it is, but it happens way too fast, it does not let you see each slide properly. In every example I saw, each "slide"covers the whole view area, but I want to maintain this small slides, and I want to leave the section below it (the footer) attached below it (guess that with pinSpacing: true may help... don't know really. I would like to have the horizontal scroll pinned in place until you reach the last slide, so I can have time to read each one. MAYBE watching this codepen example in full screen show better the problem Again, many thanks for your help! Sebastian
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