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ALFer last won the day on February 11 2013

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ALFer last won the day on February 11 2013

ALFer had the most liked content!

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  1. I've found solution for my problem. just by adding this shim to requirejs config: shim: { "libs/gsap/TimelineLite": { deps: ["libs/gsap/TweenLite"], exports: "TimelineLite" } }
  2. So, I checked it out... And it doesn't work =(
  3. Thank you for response. I'll check until Monday =)
  4. Yes, I read that topic (from it I learned about the GreenSockAMDPath) and that project working well. But, I'm not used GSAP files from zips in my project (is there are modified TweenMax file?). I have a bit of different situation from that topic =( See, I create simple project with my situation (in attach). I know that in this particular class there is no need in TimelineLite, but I have another "classes" that need it... PS: Sorry for my English =) GSAP_RequireJS.zip
  5. I can provide any additional information if needed... =( Really tried a lot of options
  6. Hello. I have project with few AMD modules. Each of these uses and TimelineLite and TweenLite. But the modules are not loaded correctly. For example: define( [ "jquery", "libs/gsap/TimelineLite", "libs/gsap/TweenLite" ], function($, TimelineLite, TweenLite) { so, here TimelineLite - undefined but TweenLite - defined =| What I'm doing wrong? =) Btw, I think that var GreenSockAMDPath = "libs/gsap"; looks not so AMD-style (global variable) =(
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