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ddesilva last won the day on February 2 2013

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ddesilva last won the day on February 2 2013

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  1. That's somewhat what I want.. But instead of just going through a TweenMax I need it to go through and entire Timelines Tweens.. I guess I can iterate over the tweens within the timeline and draw points similar to the above example. Thing is I don't really want to add kinect.js to the app. The actual scale of the area I need to draw is quite large as well.. it's an entire flight plan.. see imgur.com/UFak3Go
  2. Hi, I urgently need a way to draw say dots along an entire path of a TimelineMax. The path does not need to animate. It just needs to be drawn initially. Can anyone point me in the right direction? ANy help appreciated. Sample timeline: //create timeline self.llnTimeline = new TimelineMax({ delay: 1, smoothChildTiming: true, timeResolution: 0, onUpdate: function() { } }); self.llnTimeline.seek(0); self.llnTimeline.add(TweenMax.to(self.llnPlane, 12, { left: 359, top: 998, ease: Linear.easeNone }), 0); // 1 self.llnTimeline.add(TweenMax.to(self.llnPlane, 12, { ease: Linear.easeNone, css: { bezier: { autoRotate: true, type: "thru", values: [{ left: 338, top: 1099 }, { left: 257, top: 1114 }, { left: 47, top: 945 }, ] } } }), 12); // 2 self.llnTimeline.add(TweenMax.to(self.llnPlane, 22, { ease: Linear.easeIn, css: { bezier: { autoRotate: true, type: "thru", values: [{ left: 27, top: 836 }, { left: 304, top: -573 }, { left: 379, top: -1045 }, ] } } }), 20);
  3. Brilliant!! Thanks for your quick response as well!!! By the way great product. The performance is outstanding.
  4. Hi Guys, I have the following set of tweens but I am unable to stop it from easing out.. I need to slow the entire animation down however towards the end it slows to a crawl. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have an extremely tight deadline. self.llnTimeline = new TimelineMax({delay :1,smoothChildTiming :true,timeResolution :6, onUpdate:function(){ $("#currentTimeCode").html(String(Math.round(self.llnTimeline.time()))); } }); self.llnTimeline.add(TweenMax.to(self.llnPlane, globalflightSpeed, { css:{ bezier:{ autoRotate:true, type:"thru", easeNone : Linear, values:[ {left:1741, top:4016}, {left:1687, top:4105}, {left:1504, top:3953}, {left:2385, top:386}, {left:2672, top:326}, {left:3947, top:976}, {left:4645, top:1865}, {left:4707, top:2415}, {left:3823, top:3021}, {left:2728, top:3586}, {left:1875, top:3563}, {left:1812, top:3603} ]}}, } ),5);
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