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  1. I have global script for horizontal sections and it works perfect Horizontal slides are works inside pinned parent section But when I have 2 and more horizontal scrolls in pinned section it crushes(
  2. I have global script for horizontal sections and it works perfect Horizontal slides are works inside pinned parent section But when I have 2 and more horizontal scrolls in pinned section it crushes(
  3. @Rodrigo The problem is that we have a licence purchased for one developer and I originally use the licence on my computer. How do I deactivate it from my computer so that I can use in CI/CD
  4. Hello! I need to npm token to ci/cd, how to invalidate token from my PC and then use it in ci/cd tnx
  5. @Rodrigo Tnx for your reply! I've done a demo for you in codesandbox https://codesandbox.io/s/timeline-scrolltrigger-after-page-reload-on-the-mid-of-the-page-5t33zj I've tryed clearScrollMemory, but still have this issue And also I'm using the latest version of ScrollTrigger My project built on Wordpress, there is no frontend frameworks
  6. I've added anchors to each section with text Everything works fine when I just load a page, but if I need to jump the anchor, everything crashes It works almost correct, but scrrollTrigger doesnt work correctly after anchors page reload (wach attached video) it seems to me that it does not update the position of all elements after the page has been loaded Screen Recording 2023-05-17 at 17.50.12.mov
  7. @Rodrigo I've added anchors to each section with text is it possible to navigate to the correct section when you click on an anchor from another page? I've changed the code slightly, but I'm not quite sure how to affect timeline const images = gsap.utils.toArray(services.querySelectorAll('.media-wrap')); const texts = gsap.utils.toArray(services.querySelectorAll('.text-wrap')); if(images.length > 1 && texts.length > 1 ) { const heights = [] texts.forEach((text, i) => { gsap.set(texts[i + 1], { y: `${texts[i].scrollHeight}`}); heights.push(text.scrollHeight) }) const heightSum = heights.reduce( (accumulator, currentValue) => accumulator + currentValue ); function fadeImage(index) { if (tl.scrollTrigger.direction > 0) { gsap.to(images[index], { opacity: 0 }); if (images[index + 1]) { gsap.to(images[index + 1], { opacity: 1 }); } } else { gsap.to(images[index], { opacity: 1 }); if (images[index + 1]) { gsap.to(images[index + 1], { opacity: 0 }); } } } let tl = gsap.timeline({ defaults: { ease: "none" }, scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".animation-wrap", scrub: true, pin: true, start: () => "top top", end: () => "+=" + heightSum //end: () => "+=" + texts.length * 200 + "%" } }); function scrollToHash(hash, e) { const elem = hash ? document.querySelector(hash) : false; if (elem) { if (e) e.preventDefault(); //ScrollSmoother.get().scrollTo(elem, true); gsap.to(window, { duration: 1, scrollTo: elem, ease: "Power1.easeInOut" }); } } document.querySelectorAll("a[href^='#']").forEach((a) => { a.addEventListener("click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); scrollToHash(a.hash); window.history.pushState({}, "", a.hash); }); }); window.addEventListener("load", refreshScroll); function refreshScroll() { document.querySelector("#smooth-content").scrollTop = 0; window.scrollTo(100, 100); ScrollTrigger.refresh(); console.log("refresh", window.location.hash); // Scroll to the element in the URL's hash on load scrollToHash(window.location.hash); } scrollToHash(window.location.hash); texts.forEach((text, i) => { console.log('all:', text) if (i && i !== texts.length - 1) { console.log('not first:', text) tl.to(text, { y: 0 }, "<") .to(text, {}) // conditionally scroll here //.to(text, { yPercent: -100 }) .to(text, { y: `-${text.scrollHeight}` }) .call(fadeImage, [i], "<"); } else if (i === 0 ){ console.log('first:', text) tl.to(text, {}) // conditionally scroll here .to(text, { y: `-${text.scrollHeight}` }) .call(fadeImage, [i], "<"); } else { tl.to(text, { y: 0 }, "<")// conditionally scroll here } }); const parent = services.querySelector('.element.left'); texts.forEach((text, i) => { if(text.contains(images[i])) { const movedImages = text.querySelector('.media-wrap') parent.append(movedImages) } }) }
  8. @Rodrigo This does not work for me, as I need to keep the horizontal scrolling height unchanged That's why I fix the main section, to avoid that
  9. I have global script for horizontal sections and it works perfect Horizontal slides are works inside pinned parent section But when I have 2 and more horizontal scrolls in pinned section it crushes( Please help.
  10. I need to pin main section in full content, then animate 2 sections in sync: left side FadeIn/FadeOut, right side scroll sections. 1. I have a problem with sync them correctly (left section change to fast) 2. Is it posibble to do right side sections auto height and scroll them if their content bigger than window Tnx
  11. I have an error when I'm trying to relogin my greensock member accoun via token I do 2 commands $ npm config set @gsap:registry https://npm.greensock.com/ $ npm config set //npm.greensock.com/:_authToken <your-auth-token> And than I have an error when i do command npm install @gsap/business
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