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Captain W

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  1. Hi Rodrigo, I thank you very much for your insight. I am sorry for the late reply
  2. Hello fine folks with a single green sock on, I've scratched my head a bit on this one and found no remedy but call upon you. So here I have a horizontal animation that consists in a moving backdrop (data-background) with a series of absolutely positioned items (data-tag) atop. So far so good. What I need now is animating the tags when they enter the scene (here a simple class addition -> I didn't use toggleClass on purpose by the way), i.e. when they reach the containerAnimation defined zone (as per the official example https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/WNjaxKp). I am able to do it but I don't understand how to combine the simple horizontal movement (my animateTags() function) + the scrollTrigger that is passed to each tag. First I thought I could do it in a single gsap.to() but it didn't work and so I attached the two of these to all tags, expecting them to run at the same time thanks to timeline.add(..., 0) but it doesn't seem to fit the bill. As the markers show the tags and their respective triggers' movement keep drifting. My question is then the following: how can I combine both gsap.to() in a single call or how can I synchronize both movements? Thank you in advance! By the way you'll have to open the pen in Codepen because in this iframe the tags are not visible.
  3. The corrected pen: https://codepen.io/klprt/pen/eYQddgW
  4. Minus one or how to make a fool of oneself ^^ Thank you again
  5. Hello mvaneijgeny Thank you very much for your prompt answer. I appreciate it. I will try my luck taking your advice into account! Best regards
  6. Hello kind folks, First off I wanted to thank you for this fantastic tool Now I have an issue which I cannot wrap my head around. I have a timeline (scene) which is filled with a series of animated slides (sections) and no matter what I change in the end key ( for instance I have end: () => "+=" + scene.scrollWidth) there is an extra time/space between the last slide and the moment the timeline gets unpinned. It is as if there is an extra slide that extends the scrolling length. I couldn't figure out if this extension is linked to the background section which is wider (150vw) than its containing parent. I hope I am clear enough to get some help. Thank you in advance!
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