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  1. Perfect @PointC, thanks a lot! Vincent
  2. Hello! I'm trying to make a simple animation on each buttons on a page, but I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I just need to make a "rotator" with the span : go from center to top, then, go from bottom to center. Any ideas? Thanks a lot! Vincent
  3. @Rodrigo : you're the best. It's perfect! I didn't know this syntax with the "<" Thanks a lot! Vincent
  4. Hi everybody! I'm trying to do a simple animation... but it's complicated The code is simple: <div class="rotator"> <span class="keyword">DESIGN</span> <span class="keyword">DIGITAL</span> </div> I looked other examples on gsap forums, but i always have a problem with the "infinite", and I can't control the dwell time of each word What am I doing wrong? Thanks a lot! Vincent
  5. Oh thanks a lot! I'll look into it, thanks a lot Edit : it's perfect, thanks a lot @Rodrigo !
  6. Oh thanks a lot! I'll look into it, thanks a lot! Edit : it's perfect, thanks a lot @Rodrigo !
  7. Hi @Rodrigo No no, i'm just using the .set() and to.(), no plugin, in a Nuxt v2 application. I saw TweenMax was deprecied, so i tried to adapt this codepen with gsap. I'm just trying to follow the mouse, but I'm not very good at it ?
  8. Hi everybody! I have an issue with this.$gsap on Nuxt. It's unknow when i use it on a document.addEventListener: mounted(){ const cursor = document.querySelector('.cursor') const follower = document.querySelector('.cursor-follower') document.addEventListener("mousemove", function(e, this.$gsap) { this.$gsap.to(cursor,{ x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY }) }) => Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'to') I tried this too: mounted(){ this.$gsap.to({}, 0.016, { repeat: -1, onRepeat: function() { posX += (mouseX - posX) / 9; posY += (mouseY - posY) / 9; this.$gsap.set(follower, { css: { left: posX - 12, top: posY - 12 } }); this.$gsap.set(cursor, { css: { left: mouseX, top: mouseY } }); } }); } And the this.$gsap on the OnRepeat function is undefined (=> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'set') Any ideas? Thanks a lot! (i'm trying to use this : https://codepen.io/karlovidek/pen/yvxZjO?
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