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  1. Hello devs, I'm working with gsap scrollTrigger on this practice project and i am getting this weird scroll jump when the horizontall scroll gallery section get pinned to the viewport. This is causing unexpected behaviors in the animation and I haven't been able to figure what the problem is. Thanks for your help in advance!
  2. Hi, i appreciate your feedback, it definitely helped... I took my time to go over the code and i was able to get the demo working, take a look at the codepen for context. Is there a way i can get the text to move in opposite direction when I am scrolling? Thanks once again
  3. Hello devs, I am working on a practice project with GSAP scrollTrigger. In a section, i have two galleries and a text that i want to horizontally scroll using scrollTrigger, all my attempt to implement this have been futile. I am familiar with the basics application of scrolTrigger and which i have applied to this project and suprisingly, I have not been able to get it to work. Any help to know why this is not working will be greatly appreciated. Thank you all.
  4. Hello Devs, I have been learning GSAP lately with the official docs and some examples on codepen. The recent codepen example i was learning from make use of GSAP scroll Trigger and locomotive scroll. On mobile view on local development, scrollTrigger has this weird behavior of adding extra blank spaces before it unpins a pinned element....i reproduce the same project on codepen and it was quite okay... Now, i am questioning which this is only happening on local devs. For clarity purpose, i added an image of the behavior. I will greatly appreciate y'all feedback, thanks.
  5. Hello, I have experience building frontend websites but I want to level up my frontend skills by learning how to create engaging and interactive websites using GSAP library. I need a recommendation for GSAP courses (free or paid) that can take me from zero to hero on how to create sleek animated websites. Y'all feedback will be appreciated, thanks!
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