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Matt Spaeth

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  1. Have any simpler solutions come out since this thread?
  2. It's probably easier to answer the above questions if I just put the code here of where I'm at. I put in a bunch of traces. The trace shows that this just goes through the tween loop once and then enters the gameLoop. Why does that work? Is it because of the repeat? var interval:uint = 4; var pointNum:uint = 12; var multiplier:uint = 30; var bezierPoints:Array = new Array(); var currentStartPoint:Point = new Point(); currentStartPoint.x = 0; currentStartPoint.y = 300; function createBezierPoints(pointArray:Array):void { trace("createBezierPoints"); var currentPoint:Point = currentStartPoint; var peak:Boolean = true; for (var i:int = 0; i < pointNum; i++) { pointArray[i] = new Point (currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); currentPoint.x += interval * multiplier; if (peak == true) { currentPoint.y = 100; peak = false; } else { currentPoint.y = 300; peak = true; } } } function drawBezier():void { trace("drawBezier"); var bezier:Object = BezierPlugin.bezierThrough(bezierPoints, 1, true); var bx:Array = bezier.x; // the "x" Beziers var by:Array = bezier.y; // the "y" Beziers var g:Graphics = this.graphics; g.clear(); this.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x0000); g.moveTo(bx[0].a, by[0].a); for (var i:int = 0; i < bx.length; i++) { g.curveTo(bx[i].b, by[i].b, bx[i].c, by[i].c); } } function drawLine():void { trace("drawLine"); var l:Graphics = this.graphics; this.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x0000); l.moveTo(75, 0); l.lineTo(75, 500); l.moveTo(0, 325); l.lineTo(550, 325); l.moveTo(0, 75); l.lineTo(550, 75); } function moveSprite():void { } function drawBackground():void { var bg:Sprite = new Sprite(); bg.graphics.beginFill(0x66CCFF); bg.graphics.drawRect(0,0,stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); bg.graphics.endFill(); bg.x = 0; bg.y = 0; addChildAt(bg,0); } function moveBezier(pointArray:Array):void { trace("moveBezier"); for (var i:int = 0; i < pointNum; i++) { pointArray[i].x -= 240; } } function init():void { trace("init"); createBezierPoints(bezierPoints); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameLoop); //initially offset the position of all the points cause the first curve segment looks kind of funky moveBezier(bezierPoints); } function gameLoop(e:Event):void { trace("gameLoop"); drawBezier(); drawLine(); } init(); //use a loop to make a bunch of repeating tweens on the coordinates for (var i:int = 0; i < pointNum; i++) { //scroll left by repeating the same animation over and over trace("tween"); TweenMax.to(bezierPoints[i], 16, {x:"-240", repeat:-1, ease:Linear.easeNone}); }
  3. Carl, thank you, I really appreciate your awesome help. I tweaked your code and I have something that is looking pretty good. I tried to use the following code to add a background. The drawing method that you use for the bezier curve in the above code doesn't use the addChild() method to put the drawing on the stage, so where is it in the display list? Do I need to use a different method to draw if I want to have it layered? var bg:Sprite = new Sprite(); bg.graphics.beginFill(0xFFCC66); bg.graphics.drawRect(0,0,stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); bg.graphics.endFill(); bg.x = 0; bg.y = 0; addChildAt(bg,0); I have some other static objects that I want to draw on stage as well. I created a function to do this, but it has to redraw every time because of the g.clear(); I assume that it is not necessary to redraw these every time. Is that correct? How do you recommend drawing these elements so they don't get erased on the g.clear()? Also, was wondering how I could put the for loop which does the tweening into a function? I tried putting it in the gameLoop() function but it doesn't work there. The bezier scrolls to the left but doesn't refresh to the new position. Not sure I totally understand how it works.
  4. I am getting a lot closer. I have it moving and redrawing with the following code. I wouldn't call it animating though, but it's a step in the right direction. Would you offer some suggestions on how to use TweenMax to tween the points used to draw the curve? To make it look continuous would you suggest repeatedly tweening the drawing to scroll off stage and then redrawing when it gets too far? Is there an easier solution? Thanks for your help Carl. var interval:uint = 4; var pointNum:uint = 6; var multiplier:uint = 30; var bezierPoints:Array = new Array(); var currentStartPoint:Point = new Point(); currentStartPoint.x = 0; currentStartPoint.y = 300; function createBezierPoints(pointArray:Array):void { var currentPoint:Point = currentStartPoint; var peak:Boolean = true; for (var i:int = 0; i < pointNum; i++) { pointArray[i] = new Point (currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y); currentPoint.x += interval * multiplier; if (peak == true) { currentPoint.y = 100; peak = false; } else { currentPoint.y = 300; peak = true; } } } function drawBezier():void { var bezier:Object = BezierPlugin.bezierThrough(bezierPoints, 1, true); var bx:Array = bezier.x; // the "x" Beziers var by:Array = bezier.y; // the "y" Beziers var g:Graphics = this.graphics; this.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x0000); g.moveTo(bx[0].a, by[0].a); for (var i:int = 0; i < bx.length; i++) { g.curveTo(bx[i].b, by[i].b, bx[i].c, by[i].c); } } function moveBezier(pointArray:Array):void { for (var i:int = 0; i < pointNum; i++) { pointArray[i].x -= 1; } } function gameLoop(e:Event):void { moveBezier(bezierPoints); drawBezier(); } createBezierPoints(bezierPoints); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameLoop);
  5. Wonderful! Thank you Carl. That works great. That makes sense to me the error had to do setting up all values of the array to point to the same reference. I really appreciate your help. My oo programming is a little rusty but I feel it coming back. I was wanted to ask you why the curves did not look symmetrical. The curve on one side of a peak has a different radius than the other side. However, this changes when I increase the number of points. I increased pointNum to 6 and increased multiplier to 30. Then, to my surprise, the curves in the middle of the tween were symmetrical but the ones on the ends were not. I assume this has to do with the ends of tween being points. Is there any way I can make these curves symmetrical without extending the tween off the stage by an addition point on both sides?
  6. This is looking much better now. The for loop is creating the proper point values which is populating the bezierPoints array. However, I dont' understand why the resulting bezierPoints array is filled with the same value (x=320, y=300)? import flash.display.Sprite; import com.greensock.TweenMax; import com.greensock.plugins.BezierPlugin; import com.greensock.plugins.BezierThroughPlugin; import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.events.Event; var interval:uint = 4; var pointNum:uint = 4; var multiplier:uint = 20; var bezierPoints:Array = new Array(); var currentStartPoint:Point = new Point(); currentStartPoint.x = 0; currentStartPoint.y = 300; function createBezierPoints(pointArray:Array):void { var currentPoint:Point = currentStartPoint; var peak:Boolean = true; for (var i:int = 0; i < pointNum; i++) { pointArray[i] = currentPoint; trace(pointArray[i]); trace(peak); currentPoint.x += interval * multiplier; if (peak == true) { currentPoint.y = 100; peak = false; } else { currentPoint.y = 300; peak = true; } } } createBezierPoints(bezierPoints); trace(bezierPoints); var bezier:Object = BezierPlugin.bezierThrough(bezierPoints, 1, true); var bx:Array = bezier.x; // the "x" Beziers var by:Array = bezier.y; // the "y" Beziers var g:Graphics = this.graphics; this.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x0000); g.moveTo(bx[0].a, by[0].a); for (var i:int = 0; i < bx.length; i++) { g.curveTo(bx[i].b, by[i].b, bx[i].c, by[i].c); }
  7. Sorry, that was a dumb question above. Filling the array with points worked much better!
  8. Thank you Carl. This is definitely some great help. I really like your site BTW. I was working through a lot of your tutorials a few days ago. I have been playing around with the following code. Basically, it's drawing a curve from a designated start point. The interval is a number that represents seconds between each peak. This is multiplied by a the multiplier variable to create pixel distance on the screen. pointNum is the number of points to pass to the BezierPlugin. bezierPoints is an array that holds the points to create the bezier. The function createBezierPoints uses the currentStartPoint variable to calculate the points based on the above variables. My theory is that I can then use this variable to animate the the bezier so it scrolls to the left. I am getting an Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at the g.moveTo(bx[0].a, by[0].a); This code was working fine when I was manually passing values to the BezierPlugin. The traces I have used indicate that the bezierPoints arrays is populating. I am wondering if this line of thinking is not the most efficient way? Edit: I just realized that I didn't have my variables correct in the array. They are missing the "x:" and "y:" before the value. import flash.display.Sprite; import com.greensock.TweenMax; import com.greensock.plugins.BezierPlugin; import com.greensock.plugins.BezierThroughPlugin; import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.events.Event; var interval:uint = 4; var pointNum:uint = 4; var multiplier:uint = 20; var bezierPoints:Array = new Array(); var currentStartPoint:Object = new Object(); currentStartPoint.x = 0; currentStartPoint.y = stage.stageHeight / 2; function createBezierPoints():void { var cx:int = currentStartPoint.x; var cy:int = currentStartPoint.y; for (var i:int = 0; i < pointNum; i++) { bezierPoints[i] = [ cx, cy ]; cx += interval * multiplier; cy += 100; } } createBezierPoints(); var bezier:Object = BezierPlugin.bezierThrough(bezierPoints, 1, true); var bx:Array = bezier.x; // the "x" Beziers var by:Array = bezier.y; // the "y" Beziers var g:Graphics = this.graphics; this.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x0000); g.moveTo(bx[0].a, by[0].a); for (var i:int = 0; i < bx.length; i++) { g.curveTo(bx[i].b, by[i].b, bx[i].c, by[i].c); }
  9. I am creating an application that has a dynamic scrolling shape. The shape is two sine curves sitting one above the other, mirrored on on the x-axis, and filled in between. The amplitude and frequency will change based on variables. I am new to GreenSock and have been going through the tutorials. I understand that I will be making use of the BezierPlugin, but I am not sure what the process is for animating it. Does this involve simply changing the variables and redrawing to give the appearance of scrolling? There will be sprites moving moving with the y-value of the curves. This y-value will also be used to modulate the volume of a sound. In an email, Jake offered this advice: "it may be as simple as using a plain y tween and a Sine.easeInOut while animating the wave along the x axis." I have been playing around with the Plugin Explorer and I am not quite connecting this advice to implementation. Sorry for the noob questions. I am not looking for someone to do this for me, but to perhaps direct me towards the strategies/tutorials through which I can learn. Best, Matt
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