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Everything posted by edohak

  1. edohak

    Scroll Animation

    Thanks for information https://codepen.io/nkwcooha-the-sans/pen/MWqpYzv This is my version and I cant use this type - https://www.ju.st/learn
  2. edohak

    Scroll Animation

    Hi everyone, Happy to connect our community. How can I create this type section (image with animation) Our example here - https://www.ju.st/learn I have attached the screen section of what I need. () Thanks a lot.
  3. @mvaneijgen Thank you so much for reply. I just need that with the scroll, the menu and content do not move, that is, at the first scroll, everything remained in place and the animation of the panels worked, and then during the second scroll when the animation ends, I could scroll down. https://scrollmagic.io/ - This is example, when we scroll (https://www.veed.io/view/a7496928-fefa-41bd-9c8e-a54170e444d5?sharingWidget=true&panel=share)
  4. Hi everyone, I hope you can help me. Please open codepen link and check the website. 1. First problem is - when I'm at the top of the site and start scrolling, I want the first 1 scroll to not work visually, but the blue bars animation. That is, when I went to the site and want to scroll down, the first thing the site does not go down is the animation. I've already done most of it, but I can't visually stop the first scroll to start the animation. I am attached the video - https://streamable.com/163gjg ______ 2. Second problem is: How I can control my scroll down and up via this website (example - https://www.sleepiest.com/). I no have idea , when I open inspect I see this - style="transform: translate3d(0px, -1528px, 0px);" But I cant use this code in my own website. I really hope you help me. Thanks a lot ❤️
  5. edohak

    Scroll Trigger.

    Thanks a lot. But my question is in other trouble. My 2 blue panel when animation starts when I scroll shows buttom to top, but I wanna its showing top to bottom.
  6. edohak

    Scroll Trigger.

    This is my code in CodePen, please check. I attach screenshot for visual presentation. When I scroll this 2 blue panels move down to up. (bottom to top), but I don't know how I can change animation way go to top to bottom (up to down). (Please open full version Codeopen link, not that embed, because visuals looks not correct) https://codepen.io/edohak/pen/qBMEgMz
  7. edohak

    Scroll Trigger.

    Please answer the question. I want the animation to not move up to down. How can I change this way to change the way scroll is triggered not from bottom to top but from top to bottom. gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".shoe", start: 0.5, end: 5, scrub: false, pin: false, } }) .from(".midsole", { y: innerHeight * 0.5 }) .from(".outsole", { y: innerHeight * 0.5 });
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