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Everything posted by Bose

  1. I am using ThrowPropsPlugin for scrolling. I need to disable scrolling at sometimes and then enable it again. is it possible?
  2. Hi Jack, Really sorry for the inconvenience caused and thanks for the response. The application is working fine. Suppose if i have 6 items in my xml and loading one by one as you explained above, the memory keeps on increasing untill the 6th item is loaded and then it's somewhat stable at the same level.What i am thinking is for example if the first item takes 20000 k in memory, then on loading the second one that 20000 k of first item should be released and then the second one should be loaded. I have pasted my full coding below, am i still doing something wrong here? here is my coding package com { import flash.utils.Timer; import flash.events.Event; import flash.net.URLLoader; import flash.net.URLRequest; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.TimerEvent; import flash.display.MovieClip; import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.loading.*; import com.greensock.layout.ScaleMode; import com.greensock.loading.display.*; import com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent; import com.greensock.loading.core.LoaderItem; public dynamic class Screensaver extends Sprite{ private var xmlArray:Array; private var mediaHolder:Sprite; private var mediaContent:String; private var videoDuration:Number; private var increment:Number = 0; private var timer:Timer = new Timer(1000); private var currVideo:VideoLoader; private var currentMedia:LoaderItem; private var imgHolder:ImgHolder = new ImgHolder(); private var loader:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"mediaLoader", onComplete:completeHandler}); LoaderMax.activate([VideoLoader, ImageLoader, SWFLoader]); // constructor function public function Screensaver() { addChild(imgHolder); imgHolder.alpha = 0; mediaHolder = new Sprite(); imgHolder.addChild(mediaHolder); imgHolder.width = stage.stageWidth; imgHolder.height = stage.stageHeight; imgHolder.scaleX < imgHolder.scaleY ? imgHolder.scaleY = imgHolder.scaleX : imgHolder.scaleX = imgHolder.scaleY; dataSource(); } private function dataSource():void{ var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("DB/screensaver.xml")); xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlHandler, false, 0, true); } // function to parse xml and validate based on from and to date private function xmlHandler(e:Event){ var xml:XML = new XML(e.target.data); var currDate:Date = new Date(); xmlArray = new Array(); for(var count:uint=0;count<xml.item.length();count++){ var startDate:String = xml.item[count].attribute("from"); var endDate:String = xml.item[count].attribute("to"); if(currDate>=new Date(startDate) && currDate<=new Date(endDate)) xmlArray.push({type:xml.item[count].attribute("media"), source:xml.item[count].attribute("src"), delay:xml.item[count].attribute("duration")}); } appendLoaders(); } // function to append the filtered media into the LoaderMax object private function appendLoaders():void{ for(var count:uint=0;count<xmlArray.length;count++){ var str:String = xmlArray[count].type switch(str){ case "image": loader.append(new ImageLoader(xmlArray[count].source, {name:"media"+count, scaleMode:"proportionalInside", width:imgHolder.width, height:imgHolder.height, vAlign:"center"})); break; case "video": loader.append(new VideoLoader(xmlArray[count].source, {name:"media"+count, scaleMode:"proportionalInside", autoPlay:false, width:imgHolder.width, height:imgHolder.height})); break; case "swf": loader.append(new SWFLoader(xmlArray[count].source, {name:"media"+count, scaleMode:"proportionalInside", autoPlay:true, width:imgHolder.width, height:imgHolder.height, vAlign:"center"})); break; } } loader.load(); } // function to load image/video/swf private function loadMedia():void{ clearContainer(); if (currentMedia != null) currentMedia.unload(); if(currVideo!=null) currVideo.unload(); currentMedia = loader.getChildAt(increment); mediaContent = xmlArray[increment].type; currentMedia.load(); if (mediaContent == "video") { currVideo = loader.getChildAt(increment); currVideo.playVideo(); currVideo.addEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_COMPLETE, videoCompleted, false, 0, true); }else{ startTimer(); } imgHolder.alpha = 1; mediaHolder.scaleX = 1/imgHolder.scaleX; mediaHolder.scaleY = 1/imgHolder.scaleY; imgHolder.x = (stage.stageWidth/2) - (imgHolder.width/2); imgHolder.y = (stage.stageHeight/2) - (imgHolder.height/2); mediaHolder.addChild(currentMedia.content); TweenLite.from(imgHolder, 1, {alpha:0, x:stage.stageWidth+mediaHolder.width}); (increment==xmlArray.length-1)?increment=0:increment++; } // function called at the end of video completion private function videoCompleted(e:Event):void{ currVideo.pauseVideo(); currVideo.gotoVideoTime(0); loadMedia(); } // function triggered when the LoaderMax completes loading function completeHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void { loader.unload(); loadMedia(); } // function to start the timer private function startTimer():void{ timer.delay = (mediaContent != "video")?Number(xmlArray[increment].delay)*1000:videoDuration*1000; timer.start(); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerControl); } //function to be called when the timer reaches the specified duration private function timerControl(e:TimerEvent):void{ timer.stop(); TweenLite.to(imgHolder, 1, {alpha:0, x:-mediaHolder.width, onComplete:loadMedia}); } // function to clear the container before loading any content private function clearContainer():void{ while(mediaHolder.numChildren>0){ mediaHolder.removeChildAt(0); } } } }
  3. Hi Carl, Thanks for the quick reply and sorry for delay in responding. I think i have confused myself greatly. I have placed the sample coding below, i had gone off the track somewhere, kindly suggest me the proper way of releasing the memory once an item is completed and starting next item, var loader:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"mediaLoader"}); var imageLoader:ImageLoader; var swfLoader:SWFLoader; var currVideo:VideoLoader; for(var count:uint=0;count<xmlArray.length;count++){ var str:String = xmlArray[count].type switch(xmlArray[count].type){ case "image": loader.append(new ImageLoader(.......)); break; case "video": loader.append(new VideoLoader(.....)); break; case "swf": loader.append(new SWFLoader(........)); break; } } loader.load(); Based on the values given in the xml i am appending the SWF/Image/Video loader to LoaderMax and loading it. Then in another function i am loading it one by one with an increment. private function loadMedia():void{ var currentMedia = loader.getChildAt(increment); var str:String = xmlArray[increment].type; switchxmlArray[increment].type{ case "image": imageLoader = currentMedia; imageLoader.load(); break; case "video": currVideo = currentMedia; currVideo.load(); currVideo.playVideo(); currVideo.addEventListener(VideoLoader.VIDEO_COMPLETE, videoCompleted, false, 0, true); break; case "swf": swfLoader = currentMedia; swfLoader.load(); startTimer(); currentMedia.rawContent.gotoAndPlay(1); break; } } In the above function i have a timer function which will call the clear function. private function clearContainer():void{ switch(mediaContent){ case "image": imageLoader.unload(); break; case "video": currVideo.unload(); break; case "swf": swfLoader.unload(); break; } } This will be playing on loop continuously. Is this a correct way of doing it? i think i had gone wrong somewhere, kindly correct me, i need only the current playing item to be in memory remaining should be removed.
  4. Hi, I am appending some ImageLoader/VideoLoader/SWFLoader to a single LoaderMax object based on the value i specified in xml file. Question 1: Suppose if i am appending 10 items to LoaderMax, will all the 10 occupy memory space? Question 2: I need to keep only the current playing item in memory and remove other items, is it possible?
  5. i just downloaded the "mixedAssets_CS5" and compiled. It's showing an error(1061: Call to a possibly undefined method getChildAt through a reference with static type com.greensock.loading:LoaderMax.)
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