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Everything posted by Dzhuleikhan

  1. I found real couse of this problem. Its pinning. the line that draws in my hero section is pinned to this section, thats why it jumps when i click on the link, I tried to remove pinning and set some delay on the animation and it solved the problem, I dont know what is the reason. But i need that animation to be pinned to that section. What can i do?
  2. Thanks for reply, it looks like i found what causes tthe issue. I use drawsvg plugin which draws a line in "hero" section when i scroll down, so i comment the srawsvg code, and everything works fine, I add will change: transform; but it doesnt help.
  3. Well, i could make a demo, but it doesn show the issue. The main thing is, when i remove a scrollsmoother plugin from my website, everything works fine, nothing jump, and when i click the link, scroll stays at the same position of the page, but as soon as i turn on scrollsmoother, i face this issue. May be you can figure our what is going on just by clicking that link in the footer section. You will see that scroll goes to beginning of the page, and turns back to footer
  4. Hello guys, A have an issue on my website. I will try to explain that issue. I have an anchor tag in 'footer' section, and it downloads a file, do when i go to page, scroll down to footer section and click on that anchor tag, file dowloads, and jumps to top and scroll down to footer again itself. Can you please help me to fix that problem, please? I WANT A SCREOLL STAY AT THE SAME POSITION WHERE I CLICKED THE LINK. Thanks PS: i include a screenshot of that link for you to know about which link i am talking about
  5. Unfortunately can't do it, becauseplanets are not just a circle, there divs with image inside and card popup onclick
  6. Thank you so much for help. Can you please show me how to fix an issue on page refreash? So when i scroll down to planet section, and refreshing the page, planets chenge their positions. I provided two screenshots normal position and position after page refreshed. Thanks!
  7. Hello everyone, I have a little motionpath plugin problem on my website. So if you scroll down to planets section, you will see that each planet moving through his own path. The problem is, when i refresh the page on the same section planets position is not correct. I will provide screenshots. Also, when i resize the page i have the same issue. Is there any way to stick each planet to his own path? Thanks
  8. I don't know actually which version. I am working on windows.. I made this website for my client, and he says it ( planets section animation) doesnt work on Safari.
  9. Sorry, but I dont't understand what do you mean? Is there some secret to getting it to break, @Dzhuleikhan? My english is not so good PS: I also provided a link to a website im working on. Does that also work fine in Safari? Thanks for reply
  10. Hello, guys. I have an issue related to motionpath plugin. Everything works fine but noy in safari. I don't know how to fix it. Please, help me Here is my website Website. A also added a little demo in CodePen
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