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  1. Hello, i have an problem: on all my devices animation works good, but not on Iphone (it's freeze) I tried ios 16,0 and 16,3 Website - https://tgmall.io/ To better see the problem, turn the phone over to the PC version. My project started on NUXT 2. I tried force3d false, and css property will-change, it's does not help. The problem is that when I use native js and add the class on page load and not gsap , the animation works perfectly. I will be happy if someone help me solve it I add animation like this on hook mounted: const tl = this.$gsap.timeline() tl .from('.logo', { opacity: 0, scale: 0, duration: 1, delay: 0.25 }) .from('.burger__body', { opacity: 0, x: '2rem', duration: 0.25, delay: 0.25 }, '<') .from('ul.pc', { opacity: 0, x: '-25rem' }, '<') .from('.hero__title', { opacity: 0, x: '-20rem', duration: 1 }, '<= 50%') .from('.hero__subtitle', { opacity: 0, x: '-100rem', duration: 1 }, '<= 50%') .from('.hero__telegram__body', { opacity: 0, y: '20rem' }, '<') .from('.hero__btns', { opacity: 0, scale: 0, x: '20rem' }, '<') .from('.phone__body', { opacity: 0, y: '50rem', duration: 0.5 }) .from('nav .btn-layout', { opacity: 0, x: '30rem' })
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