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KIDS interactive

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  1. Forget it.. i was to dumb to read correctly. `OnPressInit` helps a lot. --- Could be closed
  2. The problem is, that the `onDragStart`, `onDragEnd` and `onDrag` are binded by the class. I can't modify them in any way. I can't modify the Draggable creation. The only thing i get is the instance of the object, with the dragInstance, on drag-start and on drag end. --- Okay i see this point. But why it is working on the second try and afterwards ?
  3. the dragInstance is created from another Class. I couln't modify the creation of the instance. The only thing i can get is the firing of an extra event of dragstart / dragend where the instance of the object is passed. So i have to bind my drag-listener afterwards. And it works after the second dragStart. Just on the first dragStart it doesn't work.
  4. Thanks for your help guys, but i explicit need to create a new listener each time. The main-problem is more complex and the codepen shows just the main-cause. Anyway for me it is a bug that it wouldn't work on the first time, but always afterwards. Any other ideas how to solve it?
  5. I'm trying to to bind a function on the `drag` Event on `onDragStart`. On the first firing of "onDragStart" the function isn't binded, but afterwards it works fine. Do you have any ideas how to solve this problem?
  6. Yeah that works but isn't possible in my use-case. So hopefully a absolute-parent will be possible soon Thanks for your effort!
  7. https://codepen.io/MaqsYo/pen/mdyRNJN So here we have a codepen ? Your information helped a lot to reproduce it. If you inspect the blue bubble it has left 0% and top 0%. I found out, that the outline doesn't have a width and height at this moment. If it has before im setting left and top everything is okay.
  8. Hey guys! I have one case where the left and top value are setted false in my project. I tried to reproduce it in codepen but i couldn't. gsap.set(rotateScaleHandle, { top: '50%', left: '50%' }); This code set's the top and left value to 0% Values without units or with 'px' are setted correctly. Is there a case where gsap resets the percentage-values to zero ? PS: I'll give it a try on codepen again
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