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Everything posted by DmitriyRogkov

  1. Hi, I'm trying to make a vertical slider, but I can't find a similar example. Watch the video - https://ru.files.fm/f/unvumgm68.
  2. I fix this error. The main problem that the marker was not placed correctly was that the pictures did not have time to load. Thank you all for your help! Grateful to everyone!
  3. Very well! Thanks! It was a small mistake that I unfortunately failed to notice. I replaced my '.smooth-scroll' with the value smoothScroll. This solved a number of bugs. But the main one remained - the end marker that should have been at the end of the light section is still not correctly placed, namely in the middle of the section. Maybe the marker is not placed correctly, because the light section has a block with a horizontal scroll, but the whole block has overflow: hidden. I don't think it should affect the positioning of the pulleys, but it does.
  4. Thank you for your reply! Tried several more options. I realized that I can't use setTimeout here, because it affects the performance of Barba JS a lot. I took it and the header started working normally, the class is added after the barba transition, but now a new problem has appeared, which is directly related to the ScrollTriger. The END marker of the white section should be at the very end, but for some reason it is placed in the middle. How to set the delay, I don't know, because again, it is not desirable to use setTimeout.
  5. Hi again). Made a small example on codesandbox. The example clearly shows that when scrolling on a light section, the class is not added to the header, but this is only part of the problem. Also, it should all work after barba transition from the about page to the home page.
  6. Hi all. I've been trying to fix the bug for a couple of days now, searching the web for an answer, but nothing helps. The essence of the problem is as follows - after barba transition scrolltrigger markers does not move with locomotive scroll. I will throw my code below. Thank you in advance for your kind help in solving this bug! I will be grateful to everyone! app.js
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