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Everything posted by alpknx

  1. @Rodrigo, Fortunately, I figured out what's happened in my case. The answer is simple, in the main file of my proejct in styles were property overflow-x:hidden, I fixed it to visible, and the animation started working. Thank you for your starter templates for using GSAP in React and other advices.
  2. Thank you, @Rodrigo for your help, I really appreciate it. I have few questions about scrolltrigger, so why when I set markers in scrollTrigger parameters, then second vertical scroll shows up, and only when I control it manually animation happened? But on the other hand when markers = false, then nothing gonna happen, I litterally copied the https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-cxv92j?file=src%2FApp.js, locally it like seems code in useLayoutEffect is not working, but effect is called
  3. Hello,guys! I' m new in using GSAP, but code inside useEffect from https://codesandbox.io/s/exciting-turing-fuhv9l not running on my example locally, I hope to get your help.
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