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Keyhan A

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Everything posted by Keyhan A

  1. I figured out the solution after posting my issue and reading it for myself ? I used gsap.ticker and my canvas animates as smooth as everything else now! sorry for "spam" post!
  2. Hi GSAP community, I'm trying to make some clipped area in a canvas which moves around with 'mousemove' event, I have other animations and interactions going on in the background using GSAP, and with adding this canvas everything gets laggy, is there any way to set/update my canvas position values using Gsap? ctx.arc(mouse.x, mouse.y, 70, 0, Math.PI*2, true) Note: I'm also using gsap.quickSetter for following cursor with mouse move and it works sooo nice. but due to some issues with colors in dark theme and css mix-blend-mode, this canvas was my second option to have such a masked area with clipped mouse cursor. I would really appreciate your helps. Regards, Keyhan
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