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Everything posted by ThisGuy31

  1. I have the same problem just like OP. The thing is I don't understand where I can change the xVelocity to 800...?
  2. Thanks a alot jamie. It works perfectly now. Thanks to greensock too, much respect for all the work.
  3. Hi there and happy new year to everyone. I just signed up btw. Here's my problem: I found the scroll panel the was posted by carlschooff. Here's the link: forums.greensock.com/topic/5927-a-better-solution-throwprops-please-help/#entry20981 and modified it's code so i could vertically scroll the panels instead. Everything works except one annoying thing. When i scroll from top to bottom sometimes i'll get a sketchy effect like the panel is trying to move on the x axis instead of staying fixed like i want. I haven't found a way to fix this yet. As you will see i'm trying to give the _container.x a constant position of -11.1 public class scroll extends MovieClip{ private var _panelBounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0,0,822,480); public var _container:MovieClip; public var clients_btns:MovieClip; private var _currentPanelIndex:int = 0; private var _panelCount:int; private var _y1:Number; private var _y2:Number; private var _t1:uint; private var _t2:uint; public function scroll(){ _panelCount = 5; _container.y = _panelBounds.y; _container.x = -11.1; clients_btns.x = -11.1; clients_btns.y = _panelBounds.y; addChildAt(_container, 26); addChildAt(clients_btns, 27); _container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, _mouseDownHandler, false, 0, true); } private function _mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{ TweenLite.killTweensOf(_container); TweenLite.killTweensOf(clients_btns); _y1 = _y2 = this.mouseY; _t1 = _t2 = getTimer(); _container.startDrag(); this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, _mouseUpHandler, false, 0, true); this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _enterFrameHandler, false, 0, true); } private function _enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void{ _y2 = _y1; _t2 = _t1; _y1 = this.mouseY; _t1 = getTimer(); _container.x = -11.1; clients_btns.x = -11.1; } private function _mouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{ _container.stopDrag(); clients_btns.stopDrag(); this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _enterFrameHandler); this.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, _mouseUpHandler); var elapsedTime:Number = (getTimer() - _t2) / 1000; var yVelocity:Number = (this.mouseY - _y2) / elapsedTime; if (_currentPanelIndex > 0 && (yVelocity > 2 || _container.y > (_currentPanelIndex - 0.5) * -_panelBounds.height + _panelBounds.y)) { _currentPanelIndex--; } else if (_currentPanelIndex < _panelCount - 1 && (yVelocity < -2 || _container.y < (_currentPanelIndex + 0.5) * -_panelBounds.height + _panelBounds.y)) { _currentPanelIndex++; } TweenLite.to(_container, 1.2, {x:-11.1, y:_currentPanelIndex * -_panelBounds.height + _panelBounds.y, ease:Strong.easeOut}); _container.x = -11.1; TweenLite.to(clients_btns, 1.2, {x:-11.1, y:_currentPanelIndex * -_panelBounds.height + _panelBounds.y, ease:Strong.easeOut}); clients_btns.x = -11.1; } } Thanks for your time.
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