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Jhosep R

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Everything posted by Jhosep R

  1. @Rodrigo Interesting to see this example in Vue3, I keep trying to replicate it in React but I couldn't :'). haha, that's weird
  2. Hello Community, I'm trying to replicate this GSAP example with react, I manage to do the infinite loop, but the section change animation doesn't take me, do you know what it could be? I also want to add a menu that allows me to navigate between sections with a smooth scroll, it detects which section I am in but clicking on the menu option breaks the app. How can i fix this? https://codesandbox.io/s/gsap-react-project-p43gkw?file=/src/App.js
  3. @alig01 Wow, Thats great!, nice use for the "forEach" for this, thanks for teaching me !.
  4. Hola comunidad, hice un ejemplo de un elemento pin con gsap y reaccion, creo que lo hice bien, me gustaria saber si hay alguna forma de optimizar el codigo o si esta bien planeado, intente hacer un arreglo con utils para lograr el efecto del texto pero no lo conseguí, solo pude hacerlo usando cada componente individualmente, ¿es posible lograr ese efecto con "gsap.utils.toArray"? Caja de arena: https://codesandbox.io/s/gsap-react-pin-scroll-24c7fc?file=/src/App.js
  5. Thanks you @GreenSock, it was an excellent explanation, I will continue exploring this tool and I will try to get the most potential possible!
  6. Hello everyone, i try to make this example https://codepen.io/oldskool123/pen/mdrrbyo in react js, but i don't understand why what I did does not work, I am applying what I saw in the documentation but it has not worked, I want to learn how to use this great tool but I have not been able to apply a more complex example in react js. I need some guidance, thanks. :') Here the code sanbox https://codesandbox.io/s/gsap-react-horizontal-scroll-mr4gb1?file=/src/App.js
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