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  1. Thanks Thanks both, looks much better!
  2. Hello I'm trying to scaleY a box with text and without setting a hard width as text can change. https://stackblitz.com/edit/js-utdppg?file=index.html When it animates in and out the right hand side jumps/stutters and changes width. When there is no text, it works ok. What am I missing to make this work correctly? Thanks EDIT: I removed the custom font which helped the stutter animating in, still hope to improve the outwards animation if possible!
  3. Yeah pretty much there, thanks @Rodrigo I will look into set property. I will set opacity / alpha both in JS and CSS. Thanks for your help
  4. Hey @Rodrigo thanks for the reply it was very helpful! I have created a quick demo to try and explain better what I want to achieve https://stackblitz.com/edit/js-aqxhk6?file=index.html I want just one 'animation' to be on the stage at a time. I want to know what is the best way to do this with GSAP. Do I just hide and show each animation with opacity or do I need to add and remove each html block with JS so just one is present at a time? I hope this makes more sense! Thanks
  5. Hey, I have create five different animations using a timeline in (five) separate html & js files. I now want to run these one after another in one html file using one master timeline. The html for all animations will have to be included in this one page, but I only want to show one at a time, so I'm assuming I will need a way of enabling & killing a div wrapper with an id for each 'timeline'? Can I make a master timeline from the five existing timelines? Can anyone help or point me to a resource that does something similar? Thanks!
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