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Everything posted by Haribo

  1. Thanks for your further help @Rodrigo, I added overwrite, and it seems that the bubbling is stopped, but it still doesn't work correctly. When I scroll, sometimes it works but sometimes does not. How it doesn't work is that the scroll goes to the next panel and back. https://codepen.io/haruka1234/pen/eYjgGvW?editors=1010
  2. Thanks @Rodrigo! It happens when I scroll down and up quickly. The scroll goes up and down and does not stop until I reload the page.
  3. Thank you for your suggestion! Isn't it possible with ScrollToPlugin? I tried it with ScrollToPlugin and it looks good, but only when scrolling down. It seems to work when scrolling up as well, but sometimes it doesn't work. https://codepen.io/haruka1234/pen/WNKGMRR?editors=1010
  4. Hi, I am currently working on a project using ScrollTrigger. As you see in the CodePen, Panels snap to the next Panel after the Texts change color. I expect no snap animation while the Texts are changing color. Also, if it is possible, I would like it to snap to the next panel more quickly. Thanks in Advance!
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