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Nuno Moreira

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Everything posted by Nuno Moreira

  1. Hi all. Just wanted to share "final" version https://codepen.io/nmoreira/pen/ExMgLmE Thank you all
  2. Amazing @GreenSock / Jack. Thank you so much for the help and explanation. I believe i understand now. What a great tool this is. You made my day Thank you and @Rodrigo once again.
  3. Thank you @Rodrigo. The first pen i try to fool the scrolltrigger by setting a first/inicial value of x: "-10vw" Doing some math i came up with that value. Seem about the right place in x axis of the image inside the container. If i set it to 0 and remove the margins magic happens Thank you again. I will wait for help ?
  4. Hi. First of all let me say how cool is gsap. Does amazing stuff. I am trying to learn and playing around with it. Anyway, I am trying to create an horizontal scroller that pins and inside it has several elements with images inside that parallax in the x axis while we scroll. My problem/ issue is with the first element that is 50% left of the left side of the viewport. The parrallax effect works great after the scroll pin and animation is triggered. The issue is the x position of the first image inside first element before animation starts. It jumps to the correct position on x axis only after the scroller pins and animation triggered . We can see it jumping to the correct position in the codepen example. if we play around with the first .to() value of the "allImgs" elements. Sorry if my explanation is confusing, maybe someone can understand it and help out. Thank you all NOTE: Made the images transparent and removed the overflow:hidden from the .panel-wide container
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